Sunday, April 28, 2024

TASS-EB Activities

東灣長樂會 (TASS-EB) 定期活動

宗旨: 提供適合大眾的多元性節目以充實退休生活、並達社交連誼之效

日期: 每月每個星期二,上午10時至下午3時 (聚會全部暫停, 改為網路上 Zoom Meeting)

First and Third Tuesday of the month – speech and fun activities (mahjong, bridge, ping-pong and social/chatting)

10:00-10: 30 am: Exercise (暫停)

10: 30-12:00 am:  Speeches (網路上 Zoom Meeting)

1:00 pm -3:00 pm: Fun activities(暫停)

Second Tuesday of the month – SIG

10:30-12:00 am: Computer/smart phone (網路上 Zoom Meeting)

1:00-3:00 pm: Investment (暫停)

Third Tuesday of the month

1:00 – 3:00 Photography (at the library of EBFUMC) (改為網路上 Zoom Meeting, 詳情請洽: 洪孟陽 [email protected] )

Fourth Tuesday of the month – SIG

10:00am-3:00 pm: Flower arrangement, Sing Along, Line Dance (暫停)

Also Fourth Tuesday of even months 

1:00 – 2:30 pm:  Writing Group (暫停)

地點: 東灣台灣基督教會 (EBFUMC)  1755 Sunnyvale Ave., Walnut Creek, CA 94597

由於武漢病毒疫情關係, 部份活動暫時改為網路 Zoom Meeting. 詳情請洽: 洪孟陽 (309)287-5654 [email protected]; or 洪美和(925)449-6002 [email protected].

另有每週四上午登山 Hiking 活動. 地點每週更換, 詳情請洽: 洪孟陽 [email protected] (309)287-5654 .